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What Is Mediation?


                    I define meditation as a process that allows for different ideas to be heard and explored in a safe setting. It’s a process that empowers participants to make their own decisions, and move towards the direction of “SELF DETERMINATION” which involves mutual collaboration, and allows for looking at issues below the surface and outside of the box!


 I believe that as human beings, we have the innate wisdom to communicate our needs to each other, but sometimes we need a little help and guidance on our way back to the path that is right and just. I want to help guide you on the appropriate communication track that will allow you to move forward and become unstuck. I want to coach and assist you in uncovering underlying interests and supporting motivations that often become hidden and are difficult to see. I want to help empower you to make the best possible decisions by creating a communications environment that creates a pathway for a deeper understanding of the core issues.


One never knows how the courts will decide a particular case. What is known however, are the  legal costs will continue to soar and assets will slowly dissipate over a period of time. Perhaps, the greatest toll is the time and energy spent in conflict which is a hindrance to peace of mind, and happiness. Mediation is the ideal solution for individuals wanting to constructively resolve their differences  in order to move forward with their lives. 




©2017 Jerry D. Gibson

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